Someone To Look Up To
The norm is that children look to adults to assist them to sharpen their moral compasses and guide them in making the right decisions.
Resources: April - June 2015
If most pastors and leaders of Christian ministries are honest, raising money to fund their ministry work is seen as a necessary evil. But what if the issue of raising money to fund the work of God's kingdom is in fact something that is dear to the heart of God? Even biblical?
Resources: April - June 2015
If most pastors and leaders of Christian ministries are honest, raising money to fund their ministry work is seen as a necessary evil. But what if the issue of raising money to fund the work of God's kingdom is in fact something that is dear to the heart of God? Even biblical?
A Love from out of this World!
It was a family crisis. The centerpiece of the story is about two wayward sons and a father’s love that would not let them go. Two distinct attempts for finding happiness are symbolized in the story.
Understanding God's Ownership!
Financial well-being is not the mission of God’s church. However, Ellen White saw that finances play a key role in providing necessary resources for accomplishing the church’s mission.
Trusted Stewards
As a church administrator I am asked many questions. One of my least favorite is, “How has my tithe been used?” The dilemma I face is whether I should first correct the question, and in doing so, be seen to avoid answering the question.
Accountability in God's Treasury
Interview with Paul Douglas
Changing Lives
Hope Channel’s world-wide television network is an instrument that God is using to reach millions of people globally with the good news.
Honoring God WIth Our Possessions
The stewardship of treasure is understood by many church members to mean the wise management of material resources such as money, goods or possessions.
Blessed To Be a Blessing
Job’s life-experience with God, and his response to his personal loss underscores an important reality and truth about wealth and earthly possessions.