ECD: Romania—Hope

I have heard an experience from Silviu Marcu, coming from Onești, Romania about putting God first, and I want to share it with you, just as it has been told to me:

"Due to the unfavorable economic situation that I was facing, I decided to go and work in England, as did many other citizens in my country, Romania. In the last ten years, Romania has become the second country, after Syria, that has lost many inhabitants through migration. The largest number of Romanian SDA members is in Madrid, Spain).

The job, the accommodation, the salary, were all set in details before leaving home. But on the way, when we were crossing France, I found out that nobody was waiting for us in England, and that the contract had been just a story, beautifully told. I had a friend in Ireland with whom I kept in touch, and because I didn't have too many solutions, I decided without much hesitation to go to him.

After a series of adventures, I managed to meet him. I have rarely experienced such joy. He represented the solution to all my problems, knowing he had promised me a job starting the next day. But the discussion hit an unexpected turn: "Here you will have no chance to work, having Saturday free... God will understand that you have a complicated situation, and after things settle, you can take care of your Saturday, too."

Suddenly, I felt Ireland's gray clouds, that I hadn't noticed before, pressing on my shoulders. However, I didn't let him leave until he told me where the nearest Adventist Church was located. He marked it on the map for me so that I could locate it. That night, I got myself a room at a hotel where I met eight other people in the same situation as mine, each coming from different countries.

The next day, I found the Adventist Church, where some Romanian brothers were already attending. After so many attempts to get to know me better, I did not tell them about my situation. I just wanted to enjoy my meeting with God.

During the offertory appeal, I instinctively put my hand into my pocket, where I found only two Euros. I knew it was my last money. I didn't think for a second what would happen next—if I had nothing to buy food with, nowhere to sleep —I put the money in the basket with complete peace of mind. Immediately after the Sabbath, I met one of the Adventist brothers who introduced me to his boss. He told me that I could work with him and because I didn't have a place to stay, he offered me accommodation without requesting anything in return.

Now, when I look back, I realize that having any having or not having (materially) is not up to us, but it is up to God. The only thing that depends on us is to remain faithful to God both in the good times and during the times when gray clouds surround us."

Today Silviu is a successful businessman in Dublin, Ireland. He continues to put God first in all aspects of his life, being the promoter and supporter of the homeless' people's ministry. He is also passionate about ministering to the youth, being adopted by the young adults, and being one of them.

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