Gandhi's Shoe

Illustrates Selflessness

One day as the great peacemaker Gandhi stepped aboard a train, his left shoe slipped off and landed on the track. He was unable to retrieve it before the train moved out of the station. To the amazement of his companions, Gandhi calmly took off his right shoe and threw it back along the track to land close to the first.

Asked by a fellow passenger why he threw back the other shoe, Gandhi replied, “The poor man who finds the shoes lying on the track will now have a pair he can use.”

How many times have we held back a portion of our heart or a portion of our means only to have it become of no use to us?

Someone else could be blessed by hearing the whole gospel, by experiencing the full fellowship of a church service or by giving their entire heart to Jesus because we gave the “other shoe” that we really did not need.

Today, Jesus desires that our hearts and lives be totally His and that our worldly goods be shared with those in need. Won’t you give Him your heart and the entire management of your resources to His bidding?

Sharon M. Cress. Tithe and Offerings Readings 2003 (March 15, 2003), p. 18. General Conference Stewardship Ministries.

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