God First Preached in Prison Cells (SPD)
A GOD FIRST stewardship program was run by the Rumba and Arawa Town Adventist churches on the island of Bougainville. It ran in the evenings from November 13-18, 2023 and even the Sabbath School and the Divine worship programs were done inside the prison cells.
The prisoners of Bouganville, Papua New Guinea, really enjoyed the teachings and the fellowship with the Seventh-day Adventist members. As a result, twenty-four prisoners signed the iPromise cards and asked for Bible studies to prepare for baptism. All glory to God!
On Sunday morning, 19 November, the two congregations went early in the morning to clean up around the town’s police station. They cut the grass, cleaned the drains, and washed and swept the prisoners' holding cells.
Finally, on Sunday afternoon, the church members provided a huge feast for the prisoners, police officers, and prison guards. The church members are now doing Bible studies and providing other care to the prisoners.
This story was written by David Tovirika and submitted by Julien Archer, Stewardship Ministries director of the South Pacific Division.
Pr. David Tovirika holding the prisoner’s signed iPromise cards.