Measureless Blessings
Family Life Ministries of the South American Division (SAD) is promoting the yearly study of one of Ellen G. White’s book by families in all of their more than 28,312 congregations. This year they printed and sold more than 390,000 copies of a condensed version of the book Counsels on Stewardship, called “Measureless Blessings.” Each book cost $1.00 but each member pays only 25 cents, and the remaining amount is equally shared by the conference, union and the division.
Each institution knows that they are making an investment that will undoubtedly yield a return. To maximize the impact, they have included a 12-lesson study guide at the end of the book. Each lesson has about eight questions, and the 12 lessons cover the essential points of the book. The church members are currently in the middle of the 12-week study (one lesson per week) in all the SAD churches.
The division’s Family Life and Stewardship Ministries’ directors, respectively Alacy Barbosa, and Josanan Alves, Jr., along with other prominent church leaders, have recorded a set of twelve 10-minute videos, commenting and summarizing each of the lessons. Each video is presented after the discussion of the eight questions of each lesson.