Meeting Humanity’s Need

A Christian worker once visited a poor woman in order to bring her a sum of money that she badly needed. He knocked at her door repeatedly but got no response. He had to go away disappointed with the money still in his pocket. Meeting her a few days later, he told her of his fruitless visit. She replied, with tears in her eyes, that she had heard him knocking but thought he was the rent collector, and she didn’t dare to open the door because she didn’t have the money to pay the rent.

C. H. Spurgeon used this as an illustration of the gospel. He who stands at the door and knocks has come with a gift. The knock is the Savior's knock, not that of a taskmaster. The gospel is good news; news of debt paid, not of rent required. It’s not a demand but a free gift, which no one has deserved or could win by merit, but which is offered to all.


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