Mission Offering Bank
Teaching Children Stewardship
We are excited about the new Mission Offering Bank for children! It’s a coloring page that becomes the wrap of a tin can that children can use to collect offerings. Each coloring page has a simple line drawing extracted from children’s animated mission videos.
Every quarter Adventist children around the world can have fun collecting their offerings for Jesus. All they have to do is download the latest coloring page from here, print it, cut it out, color it, wrap it around a can or similar container and stick it using sticky tape. Then they will start collecting their dollars and pennies for Jesus! When the tin is full they count up the money and then ask a parent to write and mail a check to Adventist Mission.
Learn more about the Mission Offering Bank here.
When we teach our children the importance of giving to missions, they learn valuable lessons in generosity and sharing that set them up to become good stewards in their adult life.