Please go through the gallery of photos to see Stewardship Ministries activities done in Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD). Tithe envelope used by the Banbu SDA Church, Seoul, S. Korea. Kwon JohngHaeng, NSD Stewardship Ministries director, looks at the tithe and offerings envelopes of the Banbu SDA Church, Seoul, S. Korea. Korean version of the Commitment Card, used in the Banbu SDA Church, Seoul, S. Korea. Kwon JohngHaeng speaks during the NSD Stewardship Advisory. New Stewardship directors of the NSD, during their advisory. (Please, turn the picture downside up). Mongolia Mission headquarters, where the church has around 2,000 members, 70% of them young people. Pastor Marcos Bomfim preaching at the Mongolian Adventist Congress. Mongolian baptismal candidates, one day before their baptism, which took place during the congress. Attendance at the Mongolian Congress. Young lady collects offerings during the Congress in Mongolia. Mongolians during offertory. Offering box in the Longhua Seventh-day Adventist Church in Shenzhen, China: left hole for tithe and right for offering. QR code allows electronic payments. Left hole of the offering box at the Longhua Seventh-day Adventist Church in Shenzhen, China: reserved for the tithe. QR code allows electronic payments. Right hole of the offering box at the Longhua Seventh-day Adventist Church in Shenzhen, China: reserved for offerings. QR code allows electronic payments. Small group study in South Korea. A Prayer Building in South Korea. Every year, SDA workers are encouraged to spend at least one week in a special season of prayer. Corridor of a Prayer Building, in S. Korea, shoes are left outside. This building has about 174 prayer rooms. This is a prayer cell in another prayer building in South Korea.