Singing in the Rain 

Psalm 118:24: This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

For many, joy is not understood. Therefore, it is a short-lived occurrence that is soon overtaken by the next problem. But unlike happiness, joy is not what we feel, but who we are. We can remain joyful despite the circumstance. A saintly woman suffering for weary months in painful illness said to her pastor: “I have such a lovely robin that sings outside my window. In the early morning, as I lie here, he serenades me.” Then, as a smile brightened her thin features, she added, “I love him, because he sings in the rain.” That is the most beautiful thing about the robin. When the storm has silenced almost every other songbird, the robin sings on, right through the rain.

Life often throws up hard-hitting situations. But the truth is, God will never tempt us beyond our ability to bear. So, however dark the circumstances may be; however lonely you feel, know that you have the strength of God within you to pull through with joy. The writers of the epistles, no strangers to tribulation, urge us to rejoice through the good times, and through the bad. While Paul puts it this way: “…we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings out perseverance” (Romans 5:3). James declares: “Count it all joy when you suffer diverse trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1:2). There is cause to rejoice. God is working out something great for you, but you will need joy to pull through with it. Permit no other perspective.

In every difficult circumstance, we will always have a choice between sorrow and joy, but sorrow only breaks the spirit and prolongs the pain. Joy raises the countenance, illuminating the entire scenario, inspiring awe in observers and giving encouragement to those in equally dire straits.

Do not worry about your sad feelings; summon your will to sing, like the robin, through the rain. Paul and Silas did not allow the depression of the dark dingy cell to dampen their spirit and extinguish their joy; they ‘sang through the rain.’ So sing, and keep singing. God will hasten your deliverance, in Jesus’ name. He will turn a situation meant for mourning into dancing and singing. Do not be dismayed; lift up a song in joy. Everything is working for your good, in Jesus’ name.

Memorize & Meditate:
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4


Lord, strengthen me in my hour of trial. Grant me the grace to rejoice. I refuse to bow my head in sorrow. God is perfecting me, therefore I rejoice, in Jesus’ name.


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