Stewardship Leadership Visitation—SAD

On March 31, 2024,  Josanan Alves de Barros Junior, Stewardship Ministries Director of the South American Division (SAD) hosted a Stewardship Leadership Visitation (SLV) in his home. He was visited by Marcos Faiock Bomfim, GC Stewardship Ministries Director.


Local Fields


Attached Fields




Local Churches + Companies




Number of countries


Languages spoken

2 (Spanish and Portuguese + 6 dialects)

Curiosity: SAD has 91 fields but 95 STW Directors. Four fields have 2 STW directors each.

  • Location: Brasília, Brazil

Population per SDA member ratio:

  • Argentina: 379
  • Bolivia: 96
  • Brazil: 122
  • Chile: 188
  • Ecuador: 321
  • Paraguay: 466
  • Peru: 81
  • Uruguay: 467

Three STW action emphasis:

  • Pastoral Visitation
  • Leadership Capacitation
  • Focus on New Converts and New Generations –

Crescendo em Cristo” (“Growing in Christ” ) is a discipleship program based on the broad concept of Stewardship that is linked to their most used Bible Study series. It starts at the Bible Study #13 and runs concomitantly to the final part of the Bible Study series. It is aimed to lead the prospective convert to understand and practice Stewardship principles before baptism.


  • Percentage of unions with a STW director: 100%
  • Percentage of local fields with a STW director: 100%
  • Participation rate:
    • % members regularly tithing: 18%
    • % members regularly giving offerings: 8%
  • Division Generosity Factor* (total offerings): 3.72% of member’s assumed income.
  • Division Generosity Factor* (Mission. Offerings): 0.43% of member’s assumed income.
  • Division Missionary Factor** (% of total offerings that SAD sends to mission): 11.62%

* Generosity Factor (total offerings) is the average percentage of their presumed income that church members give as offerings.

** Generosity Factor (Missionary Offerings) is the average percentage of their presumed income that church members give as missionary offerings.

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