Illustrates Selflessness

There was a man who was lost in a vast arid desert. He had not found any water for more than a day. He had to find some water soon or he would die. Just as he reached the end of desperation, he came to a rusty old hand pump. With the little energy he had left, he began to pump and pump and pump. But it didn’t work. Then he noticed a jar sitting to the side. The jar was full of water! On it was a written note that simply said, “ If you use this water to prime the pump, then you will have plenty for yourself and enough to fill the jar for the next thirsty soul who passes by.”

Should he take a chance, prime the pump and lose the only water he had? Or should he drink the water in the jar without concern for the next thirsty soul? What he does will determine whether or not he is a true steward. A true steward is also a disciple, one who lives in the context of others. In what context do you give today?

By Fylvia Fowler Kline. Tithe and Offerings Readings 2002 (April 6, 2002), p. 22. General Conference Stewardship Ministries.


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